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How do I create a new practice?

To add a new practice to the calendar, as well as allow athletes to declare attendance, you must have the following information:

  • Location information
  • Name of the practice
  • Date of the practice
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Maximum attendees (athletes / coxswains) allowed to attend
  • Whether or not visiting rowers are allowed to attend

Before creating a new practice, you must have at least one location created. To create / update locations, see "What are locations?" in our help docs.

Once you have at least one location created, go to Practices -> Manage and click the blue + button in the top left corner of the view. Once the New Practice modal launches, fill out the requested information (listed above). After you finish inputting the required information, click Create Practice. You should now see the new practice in the Upcoming Practices column with a red bar on the left-side of the row. This red bar indicates that there are tasks to be completed before the practice begins.

By clicking on the practice, you will see the general information about the practice (name, location, time, etc). This is where you can modify all of the information related to the practice as well as see who is attending.