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How do I see practice survey responses?

Post-practice surveys are a great way for coaches and the organization to get feedback from athletes about their experience at a given practice. After practice ends, all athletes that were placed into a lineup as either a rower or coxswain will receive the survey via email asking for feedback. 4 questions are asked in the survey:

  1. Were lineups for this practice created well?
  2. Were you happy with the Practice Plan and how it was executed at practice?
  3. Did you notice any equipment issues (in your boat/seat or other equipment)?
  4. Do you have any constructive feedback that you would like to provide to your coaches?

Coaches can see the results of these surveys by going to Practices -> Lineups and clicking on the "Past" tab. This tab will show buttons to send an email to the attendees, view the lineups from the practice, and see the survey results.