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Creating Fundraisers

Running a rowing club isn't cheap. Many rowing clubs rely on donations from members and the community to help maintain equipment. Here you can create fundraisers for general or specific items, track progress and archive fundraising for later. 

 Create Fundraising Item

  • Using the Organization Finder widget on your dashboard click finance, then select the “ Manage Fundraiser ”.
  • Hit the “ New Fundraiser” button.
  • Fill out information


Once created, the fundraiser can be viewed by everyone  in the organization and can see how much has been raised. Cash and check donations can be added in the managed fundraising dashboard. 


Have a group outside of the organization that wants to donate? On your Active fundraiser page, Boathouse Connect supplies a link that you can place on your website, or where ever you send people to donate to your fundraiser. This link will allow people to donate without creating a Boathouse Connect account.