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The How to's and descriptions of everything under the finance tab
10 articles

Setting Up Stripe

Setup Finance SettingsUsing the Organization Finder widget on your dashboard click Finance →“ Settings ”. This will bring you to a page where you can see the button that says “setup account” Click on this and it will direct you to the Stripe setup page. Select the type of account you want. Fill ou...

Group Join Fee and Reaccuring Group Fees

Group JoinThis is a fee you can set up with any active groups in your organization. It is a fee that is charged to the member when they join a particular group. *If a member leaves the group after paying the join fee, they will not be credited the fee back and will not be charged again if they rejoi...

Creating Fundraisers

Running a rowing club isn't cheap. Many rowing clubs rely on donations from members and the community to help maintain equipment. Here you can create fundraisers for general or specific items, track progress and archive fundraising for later. Create Fundraising Item Using the Organization Finder wi...

Refunding Payments

Refunds are an important part of managing a business and doing it efficiently while keeping records of it is all a part of club management. To refund a payment use the Organization Finder widget on your dashboard click Finance → Payments Recieved. Scroll down the list until you see the payment/payee...

Adding / Removing Payment Methods

To add or remove a payment method from your account we will start off my going to the Finances section → my finances. Once on the my finance dashboard on the right hand side of the screen you will see the “ add payment” button. Select that and add your credit card or ACH (Bank Account) information. ...

Adding Credits or Charges to Accounts

Sometimes members either pay too much or too little, so making small adjustments to their accounts is just necessary at times. To make adjustments to accounts go to the Finances section → All Accounts. Scroll down to the second section that says all accounts. Search for the account you wish to make ...

See Delinquent Accounts

It’s always important to check in to make sure everyone’s payments are going through on time to ensure there isn’t a massive error later on. To view delinquent accounts go to the Finances → All Accounts tab. The first section will list all delinquent accounts. Overdue accounts are user accounts that...

How to add cash/check donations to Fundraisers

When you’ve received a cash or check donation towards a fundraiser. Go to Finance → Manage Fundraisers, select the fundraiser the donation is for and select add donations. Input the amount that the cash/check donation was for and hit record payment. This will adjust the funds raised so that it keeps...

Discount Codes

Discount codes are great! For scholarships, coupons, or discounts. To create a discount code go to Finance → Fees & Discounts, there are two options at the top of the page “Group Fees” and “ Discount Codes”. Select Discount Codes, hit Create New Code, enter the discount amount, and maximum uses then...

Payment Plans

Payment plans are an awesome solution to make your club fees a bit more accessible than large upfront payment. To create a payment plan go to Finance → Fees & Discounts, on the first page you are brought to called “Group Fees”. When you schedule a group fee, you would like to make a payment plan ava...