Sometimes members either pay too much or too little, so making small adjustments to their accounts is just necessary at times. To make adjustments to accounts go to the Finances section → All Accounts. Scroll down to the second section that says all accounts. Search for the account you wish to make adjustments to, you may have to type in the members name in the search bar. Once the account is found you will see 3 options next to their name
- Add Charge
- Add Credit
- View Account.
To Add Charge, click on that button enter the amount and a note on what the charge is for. Then charge will be added to the members account and will be due 48 hours after posting.
To Add Credit, click on that button enter the amount and a note on why credit is given. After finishing, credit will be immediately added to account.
All adjustments made to members accounts can be viewed in their “My Finance” section.