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How to's of Surveys and Volunteer Hours
4 articles

Setting Up and Sending Surveys

Surveys on Boathouse Connect allow you to gather additional information from your users and stakeholders. Then you will have access to all the results in a table on the main survey page. To make a survey start by going to Tasks → Surveys. Hit the plus button in the top left hand corner of the page....

Submitting Volunteer Hours

Having volunteers is essential for running a boat club, but sometimes there are too many people to keep track of to have an accurate record. Some clubs require volunteer hours for their adult and youth groups, or sometimes schools require a record of student volunteer hours. Boathouse connects platf...

Managing Volunteers

Having multiple people to help keep track of volunteer hours can be extremely helpful. You can add or take away that permission from groups at any point in the managing groups section. If you have the permission to approve hours, go to Tasks → Manage Volunteers. Scroll down to the “Volunteer Hours P...

Adding User Checklists

This is a great way to send users a list of things they need to do, whether a packing list, workout…etc. To create a checklist go to “user checklists” under the Tasks section. Hit the new checklist button. Select response type (check off or text input), name your checklist and add a description so u...