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Submitting Volunteer Hours

Having volunteers is essential for running a boat club, but sometimes there are too many people to keep track of to have an accurate record. Some clubs require volunteer hours for their adult and youth groups, or sometimes schools require a record of student volunteer hours. Boathouse connects platform allows volunteers to submit their own hours for administrators or coaches to approve of so everyone can have a clear record. 

To submit volunteer hours start by going to Tasks → Volunteer Hours. This will bring you to “My Volunteer Hours” Page. Scroll down until you see the “Submit Volunteer Hours”. Click on that and it will bring you to the box where you can select:

  • Hour many hours
  • What date you completed these hours
  • What was the name of the volunteer event that you worked
  • Describe what you did to earn those hours. 

Once you have submitted your hours an administrator will either approve or decline those hours. When they are approved you will be able to see them on your “My Volunteer Hours” page. If you need a copy of all of your volunteer hours for an outside of the organization purpose, select the dates in which you need your hours. Then your page will show your hours based on those dates, if needed you can export a CSV or Excel file.