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How to manage, report issues, and FAQ
6 articles

Add Boats, Oars and Ergs

Having a full inventory of equipment used is incredibly helpful for planning line ups, regattas, trailer loading, incident reports and insurance audits. This will also ensure having an accurate reservation system that can be used from anyone in the club. The inventory list will be your boatmans best...

Can I add Rigging notes for boats?

Yes! Go to Equipment → all Equipment select the boat you want. You will see 4 options along the top General, Rigging, Reservations, Checkout Permissions. Select Rigging and add all the notes you need for that shell!

How do I make a boat reservation?

If your club allows you to reserve and take out boats go to Equipment → Reservations. Click the Blue (New Reservation) button on the top left corner. Select the start and end time, and what equipment you would like to use. The reservation restrictions are set by the administration of your club, if y...

How do I change reservation settings?

Administration or whoever has permissions to adjust these settings will go to Equipment → Settings. Then can make adjustments to these 5 settings: Max Reservation Time Maximum Lead Time Minimum Lead Time 7-day limit 14-day limit

How do I report an equipment issue?

Go to Equipment → Reported Issue and click on the red button on the left hand side that says (Report Equipment Issue). A box will appear and fill out the piece of equipment, the issue and when you noticed the issue. Once an issue is added it a notification will appear in all equipment managers dashb...

How do I get a copy of all our insurance info for equipment?

This is why when listing all your equipment at the beginning of a boathouse connect it's a good idea to take the time and input all insurance info as well to have it all in one place. To download an excel or CSV file of this list go to Equipment → Insurance select which file and download!