Having a full inventory of equipment used is incredibly helpful for planning line ups, regattas, trailer loading, incident reports and insurance audits. This will also ensure having an accurate reservation system that can be used from anyone in the club. The inventory list will be your boatmans best friend.
Add Boat
Using the Organization Finder widget on your dashboard click on Equipment → All Equipment. Select “Boats” and it will bring you to the boat's dashboard. Hit the “ + ” in the upper left corner.
- Select which Hull Size then fill out Basic Data
- Boat Name
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Serial Number
- Year Built
- Year Purchased
- Next fill out Physical Attributes
- Minimum Weight
- Maximum Weight
- Color
- Coxed or No Cox
- Finally fill out financial information ( will make insurance audits a breeze)
- Purchase Price
- Insured?
- If yes, current/ insured value.
- Save, then that boat is added to your equipment list!
Add Oars
Using the Organization Finder widget on your dashboard click on Equipment → All Equipment. Select the Oars, it will bring you to the manage oars dashboard
- Hit “+” Oar Set
- Select type Sweep or Sculling
- Name the Set
- Set Description
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Done, set is added to list.
- Go in and + add individual oars. This will help inventory organization if there are reported issues.
Add Erg
Using the Organization Finder widget on your dashboard click on Equipment → All Equipment. Select the Oars, it will bring you to the erg dashboard.
- Hit “+” Erg
- Fill out an identifier ( some clubs mark their ergs with stickers or tape. However you tell yours apart)
- Manufacturer
- Year Purchased
- Location Erg is kept
- Insured? Yes or No
- If yes, insured value.
- Finally hit “add” and erg will be added to your inventory list.