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Organization Settings

Organization-wide settings such as timezone, social media links, billing information, etc.
14 articles

Organization settings overview

Anyone with the Manage Organization Settings permission can adjust to the following organization settings Time Zone Logo Billing information Billing Subscription

How do I set the proper time zone?

To adjust the time zone, go to Org Settings -> General using the navigation bar. Once of the page, select your time zone from the dropdown in the "Time zones" section. The default time zone is Eastern (America/New_York). If your organization uses Eastern time, you may want to change it to another ti...

How can we set our social media links in the footer of the web app?

To adjust the social media links displayed in the footer of the navigation bar, go to Communications -> Settings. Below the Email Sender Signatures section, you will see links for Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube By entering a URL linking to your organization's account of those social media platfo...

How can we upload a new logo?

To upload a new logo, go to Org Settings -> General using the navigation bar. Once of the page, you can select a logo to upload from the "Organization Logo" section. After clicking "Save Image", the logo will be updated and you should instantly see the new logo at the top of the navigation bar (abov...

How often does our organization get billed?

Organizations get billed every 30 days based on when the organization originally signed up with Boathouse Connect. To view your billing and plan information, go to Org Settings -> Subscription. On this page, you will see Organization name Current billing plan (Small-Team, Standard, or Professional) ...

What methods of payment are accepted?

Boathouse Connect currently accepts the following credit/debit cards Visa Mastercard JCB American Express Discover Diners Club To avoid interruption to your service, we strongly recommend adding a credit/debit card to the account as soon as possible during the free-trial.If your organization would l...

What happens when we change billing plans?

When changing billing plans, your organization will immediately gain / lose any features associated with the new plan. There is no change to your next billing date and no debit / credit will be applied to your account for moving up or down in pricing. Organizations may only change their billing plan...

Data Exports (how to find)

Under Organization Settings → Data Export allows you to to export an excel or CSV file of. Select which report you would like to export. This allows you to have external lists of reports your club may use. All Users/General Data User Contact Information Emergency Contact Information Groups and Grou...

Onboarding Custom Registration Links (how to create)

To create a custom registration link, click on the “onboarding” section underneath Organization Settings. Select New Registration Link and Name your new workflow to keep track of it, Learn to Row, Novices (2023)... etc. Then hit Create Registration Link. Once the link is created, select the edit but...

How to use a custom registration link?

Once you have created your link, you can then take the link and put it on your website or wherever you place your registration information. This link will then connect your sign ups to walk through your registration process and have them uploaded to your Boathouse Connect account.

Uploading Users

Want to upload your whole roster at once? Awesome this is how you do it. Select Upload users tab underneath the Organization Settings. Select import users, select your CSV, XLSX or XLS file. This instantly creates accounts for all athletes, they will then receive an email with instructions on how t...

Create Custom Profile Questions

Want to add more profile questions? Click on “User Profiles” underneath the Organization Settings tab. Once there, click “new field”, then enter the question label (ex. Graduation year) and select the question type. Text Box or drop down. Then it will be added to the user's profile.

How Users Can Update Their Profile?

Users can update their profile at any time. Simply click on “My profile” under the my profile tab, and choose to update the information as needed. Reminder that your profile actually has 5 different tabs of different information. Basic InformationContact InformationEmergency ContactsProfile Picture...

External Calendar Widget

The external calendar widget is designed to not only keep your organization apprised of the events going on at the boathouse, but also the public. HTML Code that you will find under Org Settings --> General. Can be embed on your organizations website. Every time a practice or Event is added to the c...